Staying healthy despite the crisis – Dealing with stress

Workshops for Cologne's artists: staying healthy despite the crisis; dealing with stress

The workshops are about learning to perceive the effects of stress on our body and nervous system at different levels, and how to reduce stress in the body and become calmer and more alert again. Both in the acute situation and as a long-term change in everyday life. Most of the ideas that are taught can be implemented directly in everyday life and can be easily tried out and practised while queuing at the supermarket, on the way to work or at home while cooking.

After the workshop, there is still time for exchange in the group. And, importantly, you can come to all the appointments, but you can also just come to individual ones, as long as there are still places available.

Thanks to the support of the DTKV Aachen/Cologne district, the costs are really very low: €10 per appointment/€5 for members of the DTKV.

Registration and information at.

Dates (11am - 1pm):

23 March: Perceiving instead of a carousel of thoughts:

5 April: Breathing

12 April: Ease for shoulders and neck

10 May: Listening – through hearing to calmness

17 May: Walking Well – guided walk

Susa Weinbach, musician and body coach. For years, she has been giving workshops on the topic ‘The Body Plays Too’ at music conservatories, music schools and other institutions throughout Germany. Since the pandemic, dealing with stress has become one of her main topics.


Gesundbleiben trotz Krise- Umgang mit Streß