TGR The Green Room, gUG

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Coming Together: 50 Fingers/50 States

On the evening of the 2024 election in the USA, November 5th, a remarkable collaboration unfolds as five American pianists in Cologne, Germany, join musical forces in a show of unity and support for the democratic process.

Coming Together signals hope for a peaceful election outcome, one that can help the U.S. maintain its alliances and friendships with Germany and other nations who support democracy.

The concert begins at 20:00 and features five 30 minute performances from celebrated American pianists working in Cologne:

  • Kristi Becker: founding member of Ensemble Köln, former teacher at the Hochschule für Musik Detmold

  • Robin Goldsby: Steinway Artist, author, and solo pianist at Excelsior Hotel Ernst in Cologne

  • Heather O’Donnell: concert pianist, psychologist, and founding director of TGR The Green Room

  • Billy Test: composer, arranger, and pianist with the GRAMMY-award winning WDR Big-Band

  • Nina Tichman: concert pianist and former professor at the Hochschule für Musik Köln

Statement from the pianists:

We are pianists supporting democracy, peace, and the return of civility—please join us for a spirited, authentic, and emotionally charged evening. And if you’re a U.S. citizen, remember to vote!

“Elections belong to the people. It is their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” Abraham Lincoln

We refuse to sit on our blisters and complain about the sting. We will vote, but we will also sit at the piano and play through our fears, hopes, and ambitions for the future of democracy in the USA and Germany. We will perform meaningful music from American composers, young and old, including pieces by two of our pianists (Billy Test & Robin Goldsby), works by young American composers, and classics by Charles Ives and Aaron Copland. The 2024 election will have a huge impact on the American democratic process with ripple effects throughout the world. Let’s come together and support each other with evocative music and companionship through what may be a tense night.

After the main concert and a break to share thoughts with the audience over incoming election results, the stage will be free to other musicians who support a peaceful democratic process. We intend to play long into the night, until the elections are decided—hopefully with a favorable outcome.

In collaboration with Amerikahaus NRW and the Universität zu Köln.

November 5th, 2024, Location: TBD

Further details will be provided here.