Coming Together: 50 Fingers/50 States
November 5th, 20:00
***Altes Pfandhaus***
Kartäuserwall 20, 50678 Köln
Voces amissae (Lost Voices)
December 16th, 20:00
***Ensemble MusikFabrik, im Mediapark 7***
Music | Connection | Community - Музика | зв'язок | спільнота - with Olena Gaidychuk
Choral Singing & Music Therapy for Ukrainians
July 24-28 2023
Round Table Discussion: Planting and Cultivating Support Systems for Stage Artists
August 31st - September 2nd
Concert with Polina Babinkova (violin) and Anton Mikhalevskii (vibraphone)
September 1st at 20:00