Playing with ease (again)- with Christoph Mayer
Christoph Mayer
Ways to an ergonomic instrumental technique for violin and viola through physiologically sound , physically logical, and easy to understand posture and movement patterns, and with high technical efficiency.
The first in a series of workshops for students, professionals, instrumental teachers
Physical disposition and the musician's health
Self-responsibility and prevention through working with the body; practice techniques
Instrumental technique
Left hand: Position of the instrument, changing positions, changing strings, vibrato, chords
Right hand: bow grip, types of strokes (e.g. throwing bow), "weight instead of pressure", string changes, chords
Instrumental technique for violin and viola is a complex matter.
In case of disturbances, such as adverse movement patterns, symptoms of fatigue or physical discomfort can develop over some time which are painful, disruptive, hindering, and can possibly lead to a permanent impairment of playing (along with affiliated symptoms such as performance anxiety, etc.).
In this workshop series, I would like to show ways and make suggestions on how to avoid or correct adverse movement patterns already in beginner lessons, during studies or later in professional life.
Playing with ease and enjoyment comes from movement and posture patterns that are physically facile for us, allowing all the technical freedom we need, and thus opening up the chance to achieve musical excellence.
On Saturday, May 7, 2022, 10 am to 2 pm:
"Throwing the bow, quickly and with ease"
Introduction and presentation of basics of technique;
Common warm-up & cool-down exercises e.g. bottleneck stretches;
Right side technique - Demonstration and shared practice: Shoulder, upper arm, forearm, wrist and fingers;
Differentiation of gross and fine motor skills;
Active and passive movements;
Bow grip;
Principles of convex strokes, stroke types using the example of the "throwing bow".
May 7th, 2022: 10 am - 2 pm
Workshop language: German
Book here.
To pay the workshop fee (40 €), click here.
Access to all weekly classes - please register for each class.
In addition to the weekly classes, with the purchase of a one-month membership you can access a short workshop (no longer than 4 hours) or a one-on-one consultation. With the purchase of a three-month membership, you can have access to 3 workshops or 3 individual consultations.
For students of all colleges or universities in NRW : In fall 2021 you can access our services with a 50% discount. Please show a student ID to the course instructor. Use the code HFMT50 when paying.